“10 flowers that help sleep and prevent cancer”

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Sleep is another factor that makes us healthy and not too easy to get sick. Especially young – office girls are the age that needs to preserve health. Therefore, it should be stocked up so that in the future the body does not get sick and live longer

I recommend edible flowers, both Thai and international. That has properties to help sleep Including an antioxidant Help reduce the degeneration of cells to slow down as follows

1. Luang lotus flower

There are many species. But I recommend the lotus lotus flower, pink (Sattabongkot) or white (Sattabakot). The highlight of the royal lotus is There are alkaloids in the pollen. Helps to sleep and has antioxidant effects as well. Can eat both petals and pollen. But please choose a lotus that does not spray insecticide

Guru Recommended, drink lotus tea or Miang Lotus menu.

2. Jasmine

Has a distinctive smell. Because it contains essential oils that stimulate the nervous system Makes us feel refreshed Relieve symptoms of exhaustion Help relieve anxiety And increase sleep efficiency But the disadvantage is Should not be used in large quantities. Because it will cause nausea and vomiting

Guru Recommended, drink floating water with jasmine. Or put jasmine by the bed

3. Chamomile flowers

Inter flowers that have many properties There is research indicating that Chamomile flowers reduce anxiety levels in patients. And helps to sleep more deeply Because of the effects of substances in the terpenes And flavonoids, PS, chamomile flowers can also help repel mosquitoes.

Guru Recommended , warm chamomile tea flowers before bedtime.

4. Cassia flowers

Bitter flower With baroque essence Which has an effect to reduce anxiety levels And helps to sleep as well But eating for a long time Without going through the boil to remove the bitterness first It can have negative effects on the liver and kidneys.

Guru Recommended: Boil cassia flowers to the least bitterness. And bring it to cassia curry

5. Rose Mon

Or Thai people call it Yisun flower, a rose that looks like soft and thin petals A pale pink color Essential oil from yisun flower Contains high levels of antioxidants such as vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, beta carotene, inhalation of fennel essential oil. Help reduce stress levels And make payment more similar

Guru Recommended Inhale the scent from flowers. Or light an essential oil burner

6. Chrysanthemum

There are both yellow and white flowers. Has a cold drug effect Help quench heat in the body, nourish the heart, research reports indicate that Chrysanthemum flower extract 500 mg / kg. Causing mice to have a relaxed behavior And can reduce anxiety Plus, the chrysanthemum can also help lower blood pressure levels as well.

Guru Recommended to boil chrysanthemum juice before bedtime.

7. Osmanthus flowers

A flower with a unique scent It is believed that at a distance of 5,000 kilometers there is still a scent of this flower. In the science of traditional Chinese medicine that Has properties to help nourish the lungs Reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. And can help improve sleep efficiency as well

Guru Recommended, drink ten thousand li fragrant flower tea before bedtime. Or when having insomnia

8. Butterfly Pea

Purple flowers rich in anthocyanin Antioxidants That improves blood flow And visual performance Suitable for people who use their eyes. Smartphone syndrome group Plus helps to sleep better as well

Guru Recommended Drinking Butterfly Pea Flower Tea Or eat fresh with chili paste

9. Phikul flower

Thai flowers with a unique cool scent There is an essence in the terpenes. Has properties to nourish the heart, reduce fever, anti-inflammatory And enhancing sleep more deeply, Thai traditional medicine often use Dok Kul flower as an important part in home medicine.

Guru Recommended put Pikul flower next to his bed. Or eat it in the form of aromatic medicine as well

10. Safflower

In addition to the yellow substance of safflower It reduces the level of fat in the blood. And prevent heart disease and can also be brought into the formulation of blood tonic as well Warm drinking Before going to bed helps sleep. Wake up feeling refreshed Do not be sleepy during the day.