Because ‘food‘ is an important factor in maintaining good health. Not losing than exercising regularly Today we have 7 super foods or healthy food. That is rich in nutritional value and deserve the consumption of modern people. Let’s introduce what superfood will be.
Thailand’s solution from a circuit with poor health countries. There is a need to develop food innovations to meet the needs of different populations. The key to food innovation is The production of a professional cooking scientist chef is establish. To develop food to have a palatable taste Affordable price And packed with beneficial nutrition The culinary creativity must know food science and healthy food trends, ” Associate Professor Dr. Prapan Pin Sirodom, Dean of the Faculty of Agro-Industry. King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL) said and revealed 7 superfoods that are rich in value worthy of the consumption of the era as follows.
1. Superfoods Plant milk Innovative alternative to drinking milk
“Plant Milk” This name may be familiar to many people, where plant milk comes in the form of Almond Milk, Rice Milk, Golden Milk, Oat Milk, or Plant-Based Yogurts.
The plant milk provides protein instead of animal milk and is lactose-free. This reduces the amount of saturated fatty acids and the consumption of toxins attached to the animal. Plant milk is high in protein and nutritional value. In addition, plant milk can help reduce cholesterol levels, constipation, and nourish the digestive system. And protect the heart It also contains antioxidants and strengthens the immune system.
However, plant milk may not be suitable for growing children to drink, as it lacks some of the nutrients necessary for growth. But for urban people working can choose to consume plant milk as a safe alternative to health care.
2. Superfoods Protein fusion replaces large animal proteins
Protein is an important nutrient in the building and repair of damaged tissues of the body. It is also one of the essential nutrients for the balancing of enzymes, hormones and chemicals in our body. But now it is found that large animal proteins. The main source of protein used today, are highly contaminate with toxins and antibiotics. The fusion protein was invent. To meet the needs of healthy lifestyles, which are plant protein, insect protein Or pea protein, etc.
Fusion proteins are use to produce different forms of food. That meet the lifestyle of the people of the city Snack bars, snacks, burgers, sausages, yogurt, or meat tissue culture. (Grown meats), etc. By eating fusion protein to get the most benefit, choose to eat high-protein plants such as legumes, grains, etc., and eat a variety to provide the body with all the essential amino acids.
3. Superfoods Nutrients from the sea More value than you think
Seafood is one of the most important protein sources for the health conscious. Especially choosing to eat fish and seaweed Most consumers today cut down on the trend of consuming red meat from big animals. And turn to focus on marine proteins that are naturally salty instead of the saltiness of the salt.
In addition, marine fish consumption is an important source of omega-3s, which omega-3s help maintain healthy skin, hair and nails. Reduce the level of harmful cholesterol. Reduce the risk of heart disease Reduce the risk of breast cancer. Reduces the frequency and severity of migraine headaches, with omega-3s found in sardines, salmon, shrimp, oysters, and clams for some fish and is consider an omega-3 supplement for men, especially red snapper. Trout, etc. Also some marine fish are fish that should be avoided, such as eagles, sharks, swordfish, etc.
4. Superfoods Organic Vegetables You can create your own benefits
Organic vegetables have been widely discussed over the years. With the ease of access that consumers can grow themselves By using synthetic chemical-free products in every process and cultivating in a natural way Resulting in good quality vegetables No toxic residue And safe for consumers
Organic vegetables contain vitamins, minerals, enzymes, nutrients and antioxidants. That is more than ordinary vegetables This will help reduce the risk of developing cerebral palsy and autism. In organic vegetable growing, it is often preferred to plant seasonal crops for the vegetables to grow well. Reduce the use of chemicals to stimulate vegetables.
In addition, organic vegetables will help farmers to improve health. Since no harmful chemicals are used in cultivation. Examples of popular organic vegetables in the market are apples, pears, potatoes, Cantonese, green oak, red oak, etc.
5. Superfoods Small grains But the value is tight seeds
Whole grains, a common term used to refer to foods that come from grain, such as nuts, almonds, corn, wheat, oats, sesame, etc. Grains are important sources of protein, fiber and vitamins. This will help the nervous system to function well. Make red blood cells Reduce the level of cholesterol in the arteries. Help diuretic Absorbs bad fat. And helps to nourish the body, internal organs and digestive system
For grains that are commonly eaten by most people, for example, black rice is rich in B vitamins, folate and iron. Helps build muscle strength and build collagen. Corn and millet That are valuable in many kinds of nutrients High fiber content for digestion and excretion. It contains amino acids that the body needs and high levels of healthy fats. Legumes Rich in protein, easy to digest Omega 3 antioxidants and minerals Helps to nourish the heart, body and brain, etc.
6. Super Powder New trends, innovative cooking
Supplements in powder or super powder are becoming a hot new trend supplement that is very popular. This powder supplement is produced from vegetables, herbs and insects such as vegetable kale powder, mushroom powder, maca or Peruvian ginseng, ginger powder, turmeric powder or insect powder, etc.
With these powder supplements, consumers can mix them in a variety of ways. To increase energy and nutritional value, such as mixing insect powder in bakery for making snacks, noodles, spaghetti. Burger Bun Imitation meat products Protein drink To reduce the carbohydrate intake and increase the protein content of the diet The insect protein is recognized as a high quality protein that helps strengthen the body and collagen. Nourishes hair and skin In addition, insect powders have been developed to be able to be sprinkled on furikake-like rice or Japanese rice powder. To increase protein in the diet for consumers, especially in children as well.
7. Plant Soup Ready to Drink Hot new trend
Healthy food, the new trend of 2019 that brings various kinds of vegetables and fruits To make food in a soup-like manner But can drink like a beverage Makes it easier to consume, easier to digest and benefit. High nutritional value It is produced from vegetables such as gannellini (white beans), cauliflower, and kale.
By drinking soup (Drinking Soup) or ready to drink soup. It is produced as a ready-to-eat food that responds to the lifestyle in the big city, making it easy to access the benefits of fried plants. The popular ready-to-drink soups that many people are familiar with, such as Carrot Autumn Squash Soup or Carrot Autumn Squash Soup or Carrot Soup with Apple and Pumpkin, Tofu Juice, Green Soup or Vegetable Soup. Greens include Broccoli Soup or Broccoli Soup with avocado and parsley, etc.